"Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest" this Latin phrase could be translated to something like "Do not let be someone who can be on their own be someone else's". It is a hymn to liberty and independence.
This motto was then re-elaborated by my favourite Latin author - Cicero - who in his work "De Republica" indicated how it was unfair to enslave people who could instead be free.
In this blog, on the 4th of November 2022, I published a post that was dedicated to independence: the date was very significant, as in Italy (my home country) the 4th of November is National Unity Day. Indeed, with its victory in WWI and the armistice of Villa Giusti entering into force on the 4th of November 1918, Italy completed its unification process. The decisive battle that led to Italian victory was the battle of Vittorio Veneto.
However, though independence is such a central concept when it comes to security, the core argument in the post I published the previous November was not about independence in terms of security, but rather in economic terms.
Independence is such a multi-faceted concept that is central not just in terms of security, but also in financial terms. We see it today, with the current war that is being fought, where there is not only a problem when it comes to the independence of the disputed regions where the fight is taking place but, more importantly, there is the challenge - especially for us Europeans - of becoming independent enough in terms of energy supply and even financial transactions so that we can be as independent as possible in this crisis.
"The future is independence, PT.2" is published exactly at the end of March - the month of security - and April - the month of finance - because independence must be our core value when approaching both of these policy areas.
Especially in this historical moment, with a challenging future ahead, we need to develop our ideas - without borrowing someone else's.
