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The future is inclusive.

Immagine del redattore: Elena BasconeElena Bascone

During the whole month of September, I have been posting blog entries that were all somehow related to one topic: inclusion. Now, it is time to make sense of that.

Inclusion is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful tools in our hands to tackle rising inequalities. For this reason, I decided in my second blog post of the month (“The future is empowering”), to highlight how pivotal it is to listen to everyone’s voice to bring forward a positive change in society.

However, if inclusion is the answer, we still have many questions on how to achieve it and, at the same time, on which issues we should focus on. For this reason, I decided to shed a light on the other two blog posts on issues that I believe should receive the most attention right now: the marginalization of youth and the polarization of the political debate.

In particular, I wanted to draw attention to the situation of young people because the key to a bright future is listening, above all, to young people, as they are the future leaders of tomorrow. Without the inclusion of the youth in politics, there is no hope ahead. Similarly, without leadership that prioritizes the challenges posed by the digital age we live in, among which education regarding privacy and cyberbullying, there is no hope for a better society.

The month of inclusion, September, came now to an end. Onto the next topic for October: health.



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