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The future is FREE

Immagine del redattore: Elena BasconeElena Bascone

This is a very short post, on a very special day.

The 25th of April marks Liberation Day in Italy and the end of the Civil War. This is a very important celebration as it signifies the unity of the country after such polarization.

Though April was devoted to finance, I decided to dedicate the last post of the month to Liberation Day not only because I started the finance posts with titles related to Italian history - see "The future is Independence" PT.1 and PT.2 - but also because freedom should be the essence of our economic choices.

Liberation means being free to express ourselves and create something new, without oppressing powers or divisions to stop us. Every time we act like free men and women, even if the surrounding context is not free, we are liberated.


L.O.V.E Statue in Piazza degli Affari, the Italian financial centre - Picture by Pexels


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